BCLG General Meetings
For the past few years, we have been holding four General Meetings per year: usually in February, May, September and November (AGM). Since the abatement of the pandemic, meetings have been held in person with virtual options. In 2024 a special meeting of the membership was held on January 14 to vote on changes to our constitution and by-laws. See BCLG Governance.

Next General Meeting
Wednesday 13 November 2024, 7:30 pm
HOPA Headquarters
605 James Street North,
6th Floor
Featured Speaker:
Robert Mazza
Topic: History of the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
(neighbour of the Burlington Canal Lighthouse for 25 years)
In addition to holding General Meetings the Beach Canal Lighthouse Group has participated in a variety of community events and celebrations, including Hamilton’s Heritage Day (February), Doors Open Hamilton (May), the annual Beach Strip garage sale (July), Joseph Brant Day (Civic Holiday in August) and Burlington’s Heritage Week (August). Members also give talks about the BCLG and the Burlington Canal Light Station to other local heritage organizations. Check this page for updates on the events that we will be participating in this year (2024).