Current Status of the Light Station (2021 - 2024)
The main buildings of the Burlington Canal Light Station are the lighthouse and lightkeeper’s cottage located respectively at 1159 and 1155 Beach Boulevard. The transfer of ownership of these two structures to HOPA (Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority) was formally announced on January 28, 2022. The stone tower will be moved about 300 feet to the north onto HOPA-owned land at Fisherman’s Pier. No time frame has yet been established for the completed restoration of the two buildings but work on the cottage is underway.
As of September 2024, access by Board members to the keeper’s cottage has allowed for photo recording of the building exterior and interior. The next steps are for GBCA Architects to update their 2021 condition report and the necessary measures taken to ensure that the building envelope is weather-tight. A foundation for the lighthouse in its new location has been built but there is still no timeline for moving the structure due to cost considerations. In the meantime, HOPA is moving forward with its plans for the redevelopment of the Fisherman’s Pier area and the relocation of the marine unit to the vicinity of the boat launch.
In March 2021 Christopher Borgal (GBCA Architects) made a visual inspection of the exterior of the lightkeeper’s cottage and submitted his updated condition assessment for the keeper’s cottage, which identified the top priority work: repairs to the stone foundation, where needed; repair and repointing of damaged bricks, first capping the parapet walls to prevent water penetration into the masonry; capping of the chimneys and installation of new metal flashing. HOPA’s maintenance team has since worked on the removal of lead paint. Borgal will complete his assessment of the lighthouse after it has been relocated.
At its meeting held December 14, 2021, the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee (HMHC) expressed concern that relocating the stone tower could compromise its structural integrity. HMHC members then agreed to add the lighthouse to its List of Endangered Buildings and Landscapes, as reported in this Hamilton Spectator article (23 December 2021).
Transfer of the management of the Burlington Canal Piers from Transport Canada to HOPA was announced on July 2, 2022. Work on their rehabilitation is currently in progress.

Heritage Status of the Light Station
In 1988, an evaluation of the Burlington Canal Main Light (stone tower) was undertaken by, Parks Canada historian Margaret Coleman for the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (Building Report 88-94). This resulted in its status being elevated to a Recognized Federal Heritage Building in April 1990.
The Burlington Canal Light Station (stone tower and keeper’s cottage) was designated municipally under the Ontario Heritage Act in 1996. See the Reasons for Designation the Designation By-law (No. 96-115), which includes of summary of its architectural and historical value (Reasons for Designation).
In July 2021, the Burlington Canal Main Lighthouse was also designated as a heritage lighthouse under the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act. Its designation was announced in this news release.
At its meeting held December 14, 2021, the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee expressed concern that relocating the stone tower could compromise its structural integrity. HMHC members then agreed to add the lighthouse to its List of Endangered Buildings at Landscapes, as reported in this Hamilton Spectator article (23 December 2021).

This photo appeared in an article by Margaret Lindsay Holton, published in Raise the Hammer in August 2013: “Hamilton’s Historical Beacon: A Lighthouse Well Worth Saving”.